Tuesday, 21 October 2014

PMS or Mood Swings

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a physical and emotional disturbance that is experienced by almost 90% of the menstruating women. In many cases the mood swings are very severe, which may cause irritability,

What is PMS and Mood Swings
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are a set of symptoms that develop when ovulation occurs, i.e. at the start of menstruation. There are many mild and severe symptoms of PMS. These symptoms disrupt the personal and professional life of women for a few days. These emotional and physical disturbances are the body's signal to a woman that she has ovulated and will be starting her monthly periods.PMS and mood swings are caused due to fluctuation in the levels of hormones in the body after ovulation. These fluctuating hormones cause normal tenderness in breasts, bloating, or headaches. It is seen that if there are below normal levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain, then it may result in symptoms like mood swings.
SymptomsAs aforementioned, there are a number of symptoms that are associated with this condition. These symptoms vary in duration and severity from woman to woman.The following are some of the common symptoms:·       Anxiety
·       Tension
·       Feeling of anger
·       Depression for no apparent reason
·       Feeling of crying
·       Hypersensitivity to minor issues
·       Exaggerated mood swings
·       Changes in sexual desires
·       Loss of attention
·       Confusion
·       Forgetfulness
·       Difficulty to concentrate
·       Becoming clumsy or having butter fingers
·       There are a few common physical symptoms associated with PMS like:
·       Breast tenderness
·       Bloating
·       Swelling in arms and legs
·       Migraines
·       Back pain
·       Temporary insomnia
·       Change in energy levels
·       Nausea
·       Acne
·       Weight gain
·       Change of appetite and craving for certain foods
Mood swings due to PMS are seen only during ovulation and before the start of the menstruation cycle. The rest of the days are symptom free.TreatmentPMS may be treated by various methods, with medical help. It is seen that not all medical approaches are useful to all women. Women can follow a healthy lifestyle that will help manage PMS like:Ø Regular exercises
Ø Avoiding salty food before menstruation
Ø Reduction in caffeine intake
Ø Avoiding smoking and alcohol
Ø Reducing the intake of refined sugars
Ø Increasing the intake of calcium and magnesium in the diet
Ø Consuming 'Pulsatilla' pills with water
Ø Drinking chamomile tea
Ø Natural estrogen-replacement herbal remedies to help restore the hormonal balanceØ Yoga is the best way to curb the feeling of anxiety and depression. It also helps restore the hormonal balance.
In case your mood swings are severe, visit a medical practitioner who may prescribe drugs to help balance the serotonin levels and ease the mood swings. Women should always eat a balanced and healthy diet to counter these biological upheavals occurring in their bodies every month.
SymptomsAs aforementioned, there are a number of symptoms that are associated with this condition. These symptoms vary in duration and severity from woman to woman.
The following are some of the common symptoms:·       Anxiety
·       Tension
·       Feeling of anger
·       Depression for no apparent reason
·       Feeling of crying
·       Hypersensitivity to minor issues
·       Exaggerated mood swings
·       Changes in sexual desires
·       Loss of attention
·       Confusion
·       Forgetfulness
·       Difficulty to concentrate
·       Becoming clumsy or having butter fingers
·       There are a few common physical symptoms associated with PMS like:
·       Breast tenderness
·       Bloating
·       Swelling in arms and legs
·       Migraines
·       Back pain
·       Temporary insomnia
·       Change in energy levels
·       Nausea
·       Acne
·       Weight gain
·       Change of appetite and craving for certain foods
Mood swings due to PMS are seen only during ovulation and before the start of the menstruation cycle. The rest of the days are symptom free.TreatmentPMS may be treated by various methods, with medical help. It is seen that not all medical approaches are useful to all women. Women can follow a healthy lifestyle that will help manage PMS like:Ø Regular exercises
Ø Avoiding salty food before menstruation
Ø Reduction in caffeine intake
Ø Avoiding smoking and alcohol
Ø Reducing the intake of refined sugars
Ø Increasing the intake of calcium and magnesium in the diet
Ø Consuming 'Pulsatilla' pills with water
Ø Drinking chamomile tea
Ø Natural estrogen-replacement herbal remedies to help restore the hormonal balanceØ Yoga is the best way to curb the feeling of anxiety and depression. It also helps restore the hormonal balance.
In case your mood swings are severe, visit a medical practitioner who may prescribe drugs to help balance the serotonin levels and ease the mood swings. Women should always eat a balanced and healthy diet to counter these biological upheavals occurring in their bodies every month.

 depression, crying, and mood swings with alternating anger and sadness.

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